Embodying Her
Activate the fierce feminine power and leadership. For Femmpire builders and emerging leaders to claim your power, courage and influence as a woman. To channel your message to millions.

For the emerging luminary leader who seeks self-mastery and influence to reach millions.
This 2 hour masterclass with Self-Made 7-Figure Spiritual Business Coach, Anna Kitney to truly embody the best future self-identity into the now. For the woman who deeply knows her soul is calling her towards greatness and global impact.
YES! I'M READY TO CLAIM MY PLACECultivate confidence, develop influence and embrace your identity as the CHANGE-MAKER.
You just know you are destined for more. More influence, more impact, and more results without the constant hustle and grind. You feel is another way to the dominant masculine approach to business, sales, and marketing. It's quite literally exhausting and unsustainable. Perhaps you are finding that what worked before, is no longer working.
You feel the call within you. A message to millions that is waiting to be birthed into existence. Your knowledge, teachings, leadership that will become your life's great work. The book that is waiting to written, the podcast that is waiting to be started, the stage that is preparing for your arrival.
But... you pause, you delay, you procrastinate. The resistance is keeping you stuck. Self-sabotage manifests as you playing small. But it's becoming to painful to stay where you are.
You feel you should be further ahead than you currently are. Are there are simply no more hours in the day.
... the constant hustle and grind to get somewhere.
... the negative self-talk that keeps you trapped in the comfort zone of the familiar.
... comparing yourself by watching what others are doing.
... waiting for things to change outside of you before you get started.
... waiting for permission or recognition.
Claim your calling
This is for the woman who knows that her knowledge, wisdom and gifts are her SUPERPOWERS, and deeply desires to reach millions. Are you ready to do your soul work, make an impact, and get paid abundantly? By learning how to embody your future best self into the now, you calibrate to a higher frequency and your point of attraction. You essentially become magnetic!
Your message to millions must be compelling, inspiring and most of all; in your OWN words. Develop your influence and position yourself as an expert. Your promised people can only find you when you show up authentically as YOU.
Breaking Free from Upper Limits
An upper limit is anytime we move out of our comfort zone and into our stretch zone, as we hit an obstacle. You'll learn the 7 ways it shows up. This is a powerful energy-clearing session. You may already start to recognise when you hit one of these upper limits and recognise that your subconscious is trying to keep you safe by staying inside your comfort zone.
Join me for the 2hr Masterclass and Meditation. Lifetime access to the replay with all the bonus content to support you in embodying your best future self in the NOW. Your unlimited potential is waiting to be unleashed.
Guided Meditation
Guided Meditation to cultivate courage to self-appointment yourself as a Queen. No more waiting. Courage can be developed when you have a compelling grand vision, and give yourself full permission to make mistakes on your way to becoming a better leader and change-maker.
Remembering your life purpose - The Calling
Fears to remembering and starting your Calling
Guide Meditation to remember your gifts and talents
How to clear your blocks
Next steps

Influence and Persuasion
Your message to millions must be compelling, inspiring and most of all; in your OWN words. Your promised people can only find you when you show up authentically as YOU. Discover how to become magnetic to attract your people.
Who are you meant to serve from your zone of genius
Discover a simple process to get clients fast. A low tech, high-touch process to attract your soul-aligned clients with ease and grace.
Discover what you'll be offering your potential clients.

Recorded Q&A with Anna Kitney
Witness powerful group healings and laser coaching on power, influence, confidence and fully claiming your calling. Finally understand what has really held you back. Your unlimited potential is waiting to be unleashed.
I'm a self-made 7-figure Intuitive Business Coach, Spiritual Advisor and International Speaker who empowers soul-centred women leaders and entrepreneurs to get their greatest work out in the world.
I've run and operated 4 companies in the last 23 years which have generated millions of pounds in revenues. CEO of Bourgeon, the UK’s leading Theta Healing® training organisation that is world-renowned. My company has trained thousands of therapists internationally.
Anna Kitney Coaching and Mentoring is based in London, with premium offerings to elevate entrepreneurship in the wellness, healing, coaching and personal development sector. A unique blend of soul-led strategy, utilising innate intuitive ability, energetic recalibration and mindset reprogramming to accelerate results.
I'm married to Josh and a mother of 2 children, living in Surrey, United Kingdom. Dividing my time between Surrey life and London. I enjoy being in nature, fine dining, luxury interiors, international travel and on an incessant path of spiritual and professional growth.
Embodying Her
Activate the fierce feminine power and leadership. For Femmpire builders and emerging leaders to claim your power, courage and influence as a woman. To channel your message to millions.